Monday, December 23, 2019

operation management - London eye case study Essay

Question 1 Quality objectives: â€Å"Quality means consistence conformance to costumer expectations† (Slack, Chambers Johnston 2010 pg 40) Quality for the London eye could mean designing a structure that provides a bird’s eye view of London. Quality could also mean a high design of their processes, including ensuring that all 32 capsules are cleaned, staff are well trained in health and safety and are always professional at all times. Quality also means the London eye is safe and reliable. Quality also means that the timed admissions booking systems (TABS) is on time. Quality could also mean error free processing for their timed admissions system. Quality means that all parts for the London eye is made to specification and the assembly is†¦show more content†¦Summertime schedule 10am – 9.30pm = 12 hours 1600 passengers X 12 hours = 19,200 passengers for 12 hours/day. 19,200 passengers X 7 days = 134,440 passengers per week. Summer weeks = 24 weeks. Therefore total capacity for the summer is: 134,440 passengers per week X 24 weeks = 3,225,600 passengers Winter Schedule 1600 X 8 hours = 12, 800 passengers for an 8 hours/day 10am – 6pm = 8 hours 12,800 passengers X 7 days = 89,600 passengers per week. Winter weeks = 28 weeks. Therefore total capacity for the winter is: 89,600 passengers per week X 28 weeks = 2,508,800 passengers Total capacity based on the operating schedule of the London eye is: schedule Passengers Winter schedule 2,508,800 Summer schedule 3,225,600 Total operating Capacity 5,734,400 Question 3 There could be a loss of utilisation on the London eye due to variety of issues. Weather conditions The weather conditions can affect the London eye in a number of ways examples – utilisation can be affected in a number of ways. Heavy winds can affect the utilisation of the eye forcing it to stop also heavy snowfall can delay and reduce the amount of rotations the eye can perform or worse snowfall could mean that the London eye will not be operational. Blackouts Blackouts will have a major impact on the London eye. The London eye is powered electrically it needs electricity to rotate and in the event of a blackout, the London eye willShow MoreRelatedEssay on Benefits of Ergonomics in the Workplace1615 Words   |  7 Pagesergonomics as is the case with other disciplines in ergonomics all emerged in the 1940s during the world war (McCormick and Saunders 1993). Difficulties arouse from soldiers inability to handle technical equipment produced for the war due to physical incompatibility or lack of understanding of the equipment and when the advancements in technology was transferred to the civilian populous after the war, the same problems in human-machine system incompatibility were observed. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Summer vs Winter Free Essays

Summer Vs Winter My two favorite seasons are exactly six months apart. Of the four seasons, winter and summer are the most excellent; they incorporate the best of both worlds. Some people like winter because of the snow and Christmas, but my favorite is summer because of the warm weather. We will write a custom essay sample on Summer vs Winter or any similar topic only for you Order Now These two seasons have some bizarre similarities; for example, summer and winter both occur when the Earth is tilted into the Sun. When it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere, and vice versa. Although winter is a very hectic and stressful season, it’s great to get together with family and friends and enjoy the spirit of the season. In the summer, I can also visit those same family and friends and enjoy activities appropriate to the weather. Each season blesses us with a major break from school; this break is incredibly important because without that relief, students can easily get burnt out of school and become too tired to do decent work and get good grades. Both breaks allow me to unwind and take it easy from the brutal punishments teachers hand down throughout each school year. The time off from school severs as a time for me to take up new opportunities as well. Winter and summer have particular sports for each season, utilizing the weather in each to make the most of recreation. Every six months is a blast because of these amazing seasons. On the contrary, the first big difference between summer and winter is the most obvious one: the weather. In the summer time, it is usually warm and sunny and pleasurable to be outside. I can go swimming, go to the beach, sun bathe, go boating, and all of those fun summer activities everyone looks forward to. In the wintertime, most people think of coldness, but I can still find opportunities to have excitement. The activities are very different; in the winter, I can go ice skating, sledding, and skiing. In the snowy weather I hear a lot about car accidents due to the messy conditions, but in the summer there are far fewer instances. While summer’s warmth is popular with everyone, many people hate winter because it is so chilly and miserable. The bitter temperatures and weather can greatly affect people’s moods and emotional habits; this is called seasonal depression. It’s the time of year when people are reporting feeling depressed because of the dark, arctic winter months. These feelings can even make winter break dreadful. Summer break, on the hand isn’t affected by the winter blizzards and is three times as long. I can enjoy an enormous amount of free time and do, within reason whatever I want. In the wintertime everyone is flustered and chaotic over Christmas, shopping, and traveling to see relatives. Summer, on the other hand, is a very lazy, relaxed, and enjoyable season. Because of the inconvenience of bad weather, there sometimes are family conflicts when scheduling the holidays. Both seasons clearly have their differences but these differences still make each year unforgettable. How to cite Summer vs Winter, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

College In Sweden Essay Example For Students

College In Sweden Essay SwedenSweden, one of the three fingers of Scandinavia,is just larger than the state of California. It covers 173,731 squaremiles (449,964 square kilometers). From the northern tip to the southerntip it is about 1,000 miles. Thousands of tiny islands line the coast. Mountains form much of the northwest, but most of Sweden is relativelyflat with some rollling hills. Many rivers flow from the mountainsthrough the forests and into the Balitc Sea. Sweden is dotted withlakes, which, with the rivers, provide ample water for the country. More than half of the land is forested. North of the Arctic Circle,winters ar long and relatively cold while summers are short and pleasant. But summers midnight sun makes the days long. Although Swedenis located far to the north, most of the country has a relatively temperateclimate, moderated by the warm Gulf Stream. July temperatures inStockholm average sixty four degrees ferenheit. Sweden has been inhabeted for nearly fivethousand years and is the home of the Gothic peoples who battled the RomanEmpire. In the ninth century, Rurik, a semilegendary chief of theSwedes, is said to have founded Russia. Christianity was introducedin the 11th century adn adopted by the monarchy. During the 20thcentury, neutrality and nonalignment were cornerstones of Swedens foreignpolicy, keeping it out of both world wars and allowing it to transformits rather poor society into a prosperous social welfare state. TheSocila Democratic Party dominated politics and led every governmentuntil 1976, when its rule was interrupted until 1982. With the endof the Cold War, and increased European Union in 1995. Swedens image as a peaceful, egalitariansociety, with relatively low crime, was shaken in 1986 when Prime MinisterOlof Palme was assassinated on the streets of Stockholm. Palme wassucceeded by Ingvar Carlsson of the Social Democratic Party. Afterrejection of his austerity package in 1990, Carlsson resigned and led aminority government until elections in 1991. The new prome minister,Carl Bildt of the Moderate Party, formed a coalition government. Bildts administration concentrated on economic challenges and negotiatedSwedens entry into the EU.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Media Consuming Behavior free essay sample

Write about the characteristics of the consumers focusing on media consuming behaviors-Maggie (Meijun he/ 42715032) Researches and studies on media consuming behaviors before making an advertising project are critical because people always begin to aware a product or a brand from mediums no matter on smart phones, laptops or the corner of a street. In this part, consumer behavior on media consuming which focusing on urban lifestyle, cultural factors and technological factors in CBD Sydney will be explained and related Apple shoe’s target audiences. Firstly, the urban lifestyle has fast rhythm that enquires the form of media to be convenient reach. Businessmen and officers are the Apple shoe’s main target audiences. Their activities in the city area must be fast and flexible. They always glance various ads around them rather than spend much time to focus on a long video advertisement or a comprehensive brochure. Actually, most of the information from media may possible be new to them because information changes fast every day and night in cities that it is difficult for media to awake audience without innovative and convenient platform (Zukin S, 1998). We will write a custom essay sample on Media Consuming Behavior or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For example, radio is not a suitable medium that it is not used by many people in the city and does not have visual content. Moreover, the majority of citizens are more likely to purchase products which are advertising around them (Zukin S, 1998). Thus, medium consuming will probably be related to people’s career, class, age. For instant, drivers like to use radio when driving, businessmen like to use newspaper or magazines, teachers like to use website, youngers prefer use smartphones and older people like to use television. Secondly, innovative and fashionable factors should be considered on studying media consuming behavior. Sydney is a multi-cultural city that each person who walking in the main street may has different cultural background. People usually prefer different and new things every day rather than using the traditional medium. Audiences prefer visual and acoustic content on media so that they can be more enjoyable when receiving information (Brace I, Edwards L amp; Nancarrow C, 2002) This require that Apple shoes should consider creative concepts on making visual advertisement. Thirdly, smartphone has become the most popular medium in cities which must be considered carefully by Apple for selling Apple shoe. People no matter what ages prefer to achieve information by smartphone. Advertisements on electronic magazines, apps, website, SMS, e-mails usually be spread in a high speed every day by smartphone because people usually can not leave their smartphone for more than half an hour in modern life.  Therefore, promotions on smartphone have possible opportunities to succeed in marketing process.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Machiavelli Opinions of a Perfect Princedom essays

Machiavelli Opinions of a Perfect Princedom essays Niccolo Machiavellis work The Prince is a letter he wrote, while he was in exile to Lorenzo Medici. In his work he sought to establish a state capable of resisting foreign attack. His writings are concerned with the principles on which a state is founded, and how they are maintained. He describes the methods by which a prince can acquire and maintain political power. Machiavelli believes that a ruler is not bound by traditions and ethical norms. In his view, a prince should be concerned only with power and held down only by rules that would lead to success in political elections. In The Prince, he describes the moral principles and limits of successful rule, what a ruler must seek and avoid, goals and ends of a ruler and the relationship between them, and the issues of violence in a principality. Machiavelli is often praised in his ability to separate political from moral issues. In Machiavellis opinion the perfect prince with the perfect principality sees the role of moral principles as being a necessity for any prince who wishes to uphold his office. He thinks that a prince should treat is servants and people morally, the way that he would like to be treated. His ideal prince is an amoral and calculating tyrant capable of unifying Italy. ( Mac ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Analysis Of Frankenstein And The Metamorphosis Essay -- Franz Ka

In this essay I will analyze both Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis and how they use similar techniques of inquisitive questioning and unjust rejection throughout their stories in order to show how two strange â€Å"monstrosities† try to come into a culture. For instance, how seeing Gregor’s reaction to his sudden transformation, in metamorphosis, where instead of shock at how unreasonable it is, he simply remarks at the new tendencies the transformation has come with. We can better see the purpose on why Frankenstein’s monster was so obsessed with trying to integrate itself into human society. While these details at first glance might seem to be nuances of a much bigger picture they hold great importance to these characters and how they develop as the reader will see in the rest of the essay to come. To begin, let’s give a short description of Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein, Frankenstein is the story of a scientist named Victor Frankenstein who successfully managed to create an artificial lifeform, made of sewn together body parts, and known only as the monster. Although, he did succeed in creating life the monster he created only served to disgust him. He abandons his creation to its own devices and although the monster is a kind gentle soul, the repeated rejections by society and his creator only cause it pain and eventually it lashes out, first by murdering Victor’s brother, than his best friend, and finally his wife. The creature however finds no solace in any of this for even though he has gained his revenge he also destroyed the only connection to society he ever had. The creature leaves society and travels towards the north pole, where victor per sues to his de... ... middle of paper ... the idea of Frankenstein’s monster as a societal outcast, and something we can see emphasized in Gregor’s character as he becomes more and more estranged by his family. The monster on multiple occasions attempts to learn and be a part of human society and culture whether it have been with gentle family he spies on in the forest, where he learns to read, write and speak from overhearing lessons from Felix to Agatha, or the time when he dived into the lake to save a girl from drowning. That despite the fact that he is rejected by society he still feels a need to be a part of it. Similar to how even though the removal of furniture from Gregor’s room would have increased the amount he had to move around with and made it easier to allow his new bug like habits. It would also have removed some connection to his family, and may even have lead to him forgetting who he is.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Overpopulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Overpopulation - Essay Example The most rapid population growth has occurred during the past 300 years. Overpopulated countries like Africa, Asia & America increases its crime, epidemics and workforces. Overpopulation can be defined in several ways. One way is in terms in carrying capacity. Other way to define overpopulation is in terms critical factors. Critical impacts such as malnutrition, lack of food supply, unemployment, lack of education, destruction of ecosystem, poverty, lack of housing & uncontrollable diseases indicate that there is overpopulation, regardless of the carrying capacity of ecosystem. The third way is population size and resource use to their environmental consequences (Addison,1994). The world is over populated if the environment is damaged by factors like pollution and habitat destruction on large scale. "One cause that affect the amount of food produced is because the amount of land available for growing crops".(Persell, 1990). Due to overpopulation the supply for food is affected. For example in a irrigation area, extensive irrigation may deplete underground water supply more rapidly than they replenish. In the long run, overusing those areas may cause them to dry up and also become unfit for farming. And because of this it does not seem to offer an easy solution to the problems of world food production. . Food is not the only resource that determines carrying capacity in the ecosystem. (Manongdo,2003). B. Housing Problems "Inadequate housing is not just one of a lack of housing, it also a problem of unaffordable housing."(Kerbo,1989). Due to overpopulation, many people are homeless. According to (Newsweek, March 23,1981) 30,000 people were homeless in LA in 1984. During the high employment many people were seen sleeping in the street because they can't afford to buy homes. C. Human Behavior Human behavior of overpopulated area believed that is harmful to humans. The extensive daily contact with strangers, due to overcrowding can affect the behavior of a human. According to (Kerbo,1989) "The lack of strong social - were believed to cause many problems such as mental, illness and crime". With this kind of environment certainly has a higher crime rate but seems due to the often found poverty and many children without adequate support. D. Lack on water supply because freshwater have been polluted and there's inadequate water treatment facilities. Overpopulated country suffers from different diseases such as tuberculosis, parasites diseases and leprosy. And almost 75% of this came from the water that they are using. Commonly polluted water causes death to thousands of children all over the world. Diseases contribute to poor heath conditions in many parts of the world. Diseases such as cholera and tuberculosis are becoming common again, even though effective medical treatments once made them rare. E. Destruction of nature. Because of this problem many people especially children

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Will of God and Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Will of God and Ethics - Essay Example The fundamental question of theology is, â€Å"Does God tell us what to do and therefore it is right, or does God happen to be right and tell us the right thing to do?† Does justice precede theology, or theology precede justice? The distinction is important. If one states that good precedes God, one might be being blasphemic, as God might do something evil; in any respect, obedience to God is a mere logical consequence, not a highest duty. But if one states that God precedes good, the question is, why? As Sayre-McCord puts it, â€Å"Many have thought the right answers to these questions are found in an appeal to God. On their view, moral principles are the expression of God's will — they are His commands to us — and they get their authority from their source. In important ways, though, this merely shifts the puzzles back a step. Whatever problems one might have making sense of eternal transcendent standards re-emerge when trying to make sense of an eternal trans cendent being who might issue commands...[O]ne is also left with the difficulty of explaining why God's commands are authoritative† (2007). ... in light of which He counts as morally perfect), in which case speaking of morality as consisting of God's commands will not explain the origin or nature of these independently existing standards...Alternatively, one might eschew an appeal to God's knowledge or goodness and claim that there is no independent standard for God's will and nature...If we reject the idea that God's commands reflect His knowledge of right and wrong, and reject as well the idea that God is all good, it seems reasonable to wonder why his commands have any special authority† (Sayre-McCord, 2007). Euthyphro exposes some of the obvious logical dilemmas of the theological position admirably. Socrates asks Euthyphro, â€Å"What is the meaning of "attention"? For attention can hardly be used in the same sense when applied to the gods as when applied to other things. For instance, horses are said to require attention...† When Euthyphros offers that piety is other obedience or care of the Gods, it begs the question, why would omnipotent entities care for what a human being has? Either the gods want the obedience of people who can offer them nothing, in which case the gods are either petty or helpless, or they do not, in which case the gods do not care. This difficulty is especially applicable to the modern world: Assuming an omnipotent and good God essentially obviates the idea of obedience or sacrifice, since God can get anything He wants. Further, Socrates exposes the issues of theodicy and hermeneutics, the question of what God or the Gods want. â€Å"And further, Euthyphro, the gods were admitted to have enmities and hatreds and differences?† If the gods had differences, then how could one be pious? Try to represent the general opinions of the god, or only obey directives of all the gods? Since

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Strengths in basketball Essay Example for Free

Strengths in basketball Essay In my Analysis Peace I am going to be analysing Alex combs at basketball. I chose Alex because he is a talented basketball player and I have seen him improve in basketball in various ways since yr7 and I feel I can help him improve even more. Alex has adapted himself into becoming a centre and thats the position I have chosen to help him improve on. I believe with a little bit of direction Alex can make it a far way in basketball. To make it at a professional level in basketball and to be able to become a centre you need to have certain qualities and aspects. You need to have self belief because basketball is a game of trail and error. A great centre is always willing to try over and over again. Above all a great centre needs to be enthusiastic and determined a successful centre generally wants the ball and will do anything to get it. Also a great centre has the ability to change the flow of the game. He also has the ability to change his team mates attitude. A centre needs to be aware of the rules especially the 3 second rule. In the game basketball the centre controls the game he is the heart of the team offensively and defensively the more rebounds he makes the more points your team will score lastly You need to be tough dont worry about contact with other players dont be afraid to use your strength and speed to keep other players from getting the ball. Including those following aspects there are other attributes that affect your performance in basketball such as: Strength: Strength is needed so you are able to compete for rebounds when shots are missed. Having that extra strength gives you the advantage against other players and enables to position yourself. This is done by boxing out (sometimes referred to as blocking out). Boxing out is where you position your self between the basket and another player and push them away by backing into them therefore you have to be close to the basket at all times. Strength is needed so that you can protect the ball after a missed shot. Its important to rebound so that the other team does not get another chance of scoring and offensively you create another opportunity for your team to score. Speed: Speed is need so that you get to the ball before anyone else after a missed shot allowing you to get the rebound. This also means your reaction and movement time needs to be quick. Speed is need so that youre able to intercept dangerous passes also you need speed endurance allowing you to run back and defend. Speed is also need when attacking your opposition mainly fast breaks. Reaction Time: Needs to be fairly quick so youre able to intercept passes you need quick reactions allowing you to get between the passer and receiver. Agility: The ability to change your direction and body position is highly important in basketball. Its useful to help you to get past defenders. Agility is also important allowing you to change direction very quickly enabling you to attack the basket at speed. Its also important to be agile whilst defending it helps you stay with you defender. Basketball is a fast pace game that requires a lot of movement effort and work. Balance: Balance is need so that youre able to stay on your feet which mean you are unlikely to get injured. Its also important because it allows you to perform a successful jump shot or a lay up. Balance is important because if youre being shoved you dont wobble or fall over easily. Stamina: Stamina is important enabling you to run back to defend your basket and to run up and down the court to get hold of rebounds. Stamina gives you the ability to finish a full intense basketball game. Skill: Being ambidextrous having the ability to perform skills with both your left and right hand this a good advantage in basketball because it gives you confidence in your play and gives you various ways of attacking confusing your opponent. Left hand lay up Right hand lay up Section 2 Alexs Strengths Watching Alex Perform In school matches and watching him in practise gave me the chance to analyse him carefully. I have recognized some of his strengths in basketball.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Free College Essays - Self-Revelation in Their Eyes Were Watching God :: free essay writer

Their Eyes Were Watching God   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Self-Revelation    Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston, is a novel about one woman’s self-revelation. It began when this woman was a very young girl. At first she was being pushed, then she was being chosen, and finally, she was able to choose. Born a victim of circumstance, Janie, the main character, was subject to her position in life. She was raised to uphold the standards of the early African-American generation. From the beginning, she was taught to be passive and subject to whatever life gave her. As she grew older, she began to realize that she must give in to her desires and not suppress them. Janie was set up for her journey of self-discovery by her grandmother. Nanny set a goal for Janie’s life by saying, â€Å"Ah wanted you to look upon yo’ self. Ah don’t want yo’ feathers always crumpled by folks throwin’ up things in yo’ face.† ***SITE THIS?*** Janie’s grandmother pushed Janie into a marriage, which she considered a â€Å"safe† place for Janie. Though hesitant, Janie agreed to marry Logan Killicks. He was a farmer who married Janie shortly after she completed school. Killicks   was the first antagonist that Janie encountered in the story. He was there for one purpose, to destroy Janie’s new sense of self-awarenes. Logan demanded things of Janie that she did not wish to do and tried to push her into his mold of a perfect wife. Janie did not love Logan, nor did he love her. She did not   know what she wanted, but she was sure   that she did not want Logan Killicks. Joe Starks appeared in Janie’s yard one afternoon. He said the sweet things that Janie wanted to hear. Though Janie hardly knew the man, being young and gullible, she was taken by his words. She took another step in her journey, leaving Logan the next day and travelling to Eatonville with Joe Starks. Aspiring to be the mayor of Eatonville, Joe Starks was a man concerned with little except power. He wanted it, and he was going to use Janie to get it. She wore nice dresses during this marriage because Joe wanted her to stand out from the rest of the town. He used her as an icon of his prosperity and power. He was cruel to Janie and stomped out all of her free will.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Second Language Acquisition And Learning Theories Education Essay

Theories that have been developed to account for 2nd linguistic communication acquisition, or acquisition, are closely related to those discussed above as general larning theories. A behavioristic attack to 2nd linguistic communication larning focal points on imitation, pattern, encouragement and wont formation. Learning a 2nd linguistic communication needfully involves comparing with the scholar ‘s first linguistic communication, but the latter is by and large perceived as doing ‘interference ‘ in the acquisition of extra one ( s ) . This attack is seen now to offer an deficient account of the complexness of linguistic communication acquisition. The linguist Noam Chomsky ( 1957 ) provided a major review of behaviorism and its position of 2nd linguistic communication acquisition as imitation and wont formation. He developed a theory of first linguistic communication acquisition that suggests that linguistic communication acquisition is an unconditioned capacity – that kids are programmed to get linguistic communication thanks to their in-built cognition of a Universal Grammar. He called this cognition ‘competence ‘ , to separate it from what might really be said on a peculiar juncture. aˆ? Second linguistic communication acquisition and larning theories need to account for linguistic communication acquisition by scholars from diverse life-worlds, larning with diverse demands, involvements, motives and desires in diverse contexts aˆ? Intercultural linguistic communication instruction and acquisition focal points on the relationship between linguistic communication, civilization and acquisition aˆ? Using languages, therefore larning linguistic communications, is: – an intrapersonal and interpersonal procedure of meaning-making – interactional – developmental/dynamic – interpretive, inventive and originative Understanding linguistic communication acquisitionkey ideas30 Teaching and Learning Languages: A GuideFor Chomsky, this abstract cognition of linguistic communication consists of a limited set of regulations that enabled an infinite figure of sentences to be constructed. While he did non specifically address 2nd linguistic communication acquisition, his theory has been applied to it. With respect to learning methodological analysis, behaviorism can be linked to grammar/translation methods that tend to concentrate on the parts of grammatical cognition with less attending on how these parts might be brought together in communicating. The audiovisual and audio-lingual attacks were based on stimulus-response psychological science – that is, developing pupils through rehearsing forms to organize ‘habits ‘ . One of the most influential of the innatist theories ( ie theories that argue that linguistic communication is unconditioned, is that of Stephen Krashen and it is this theory that influenced communicative linguistic communication instruction ( for more information, see Lightblown & A ; Spada, 1999, Chapter 2 ) . Within cognitive theories of 2nd linguistic communication acquisition, larning involves constructing up the cognition system or architecture which over clip and through pattern becomes automatically accessible in response and production. Some theoreticians within the cognitivist tradition have argued that interaction is indispensable for linguistic communication acquisition to take topographic point, with the alteration of input, by instructors for illustration, to render it comprehendible to the scholar ( see Long, 1983 ) . The sociocultural position on 2nd linguistic communication acquisition, based on the work of Vygotsky ( 1978 ) , high spots that all acquisition, including linguistic communication acquisition, is based on societal interaction ( see Lantolf, 2000 ) with more adept others, on an interpersonal and intrapersonal plane as described above. Through the construct of the zone of proximal development, it highlights that linguistic communication acquisition is developmental. The feature of ‘prior cognition ‘ is really of import. It recognises that new acquisition is built on anterior larning – that is, the thoughts and constructs that pupils bring to acquisition. Teachers work with these prepossessions in order to ease acquisition. The feature of ‘metacognition ‘ , or consciousness about how we learn, is built-in to larning. Students need to understand how they learn. They need to continuously reflect on their acquisition and develop self-awareness of themselves as scholars. There is a strong connexion between larning and individuality: scholars need to negociate constantly who they are, and how they can be/ should be/ would wish to be in the linguistic communication and civilization they are larning.The function of linguistic communicationThe function of linguistic communication in larning can non be over-emphasised. Language is the premier resource instructors have and use for interceding acquisition. When larning linguistic communications, so, instructors and pupils are working with linguistic communication at the same time as an object of survey and as a medium for larning. In learning linguistic communications, the mark lingu istic communication is non merely a new codification – new labels for the same constructs ; instead, efficaciously taught, the new linguistic communication and civilization being learned offer the chance for larning new constructs and new ways of understanding the universe. While these theories of 2nd linguistic communication larning provide penetrations on facets of 2nd linguistic communication acquisition, there is no comprehensive or ‘complete ‘ theory that can steer the patterns of instruction and acquisition. However, this does non intend that ‘anything goes ‘ . Rather, it becomes necessary for instructors to go cognizant of and understand what they do and why, by analyzing their ain, frequently silent, theories about larning in relation to penetrations from current and best theories, and by sing the deductions of these for instruction. Both instructors and pupils need to develop a rich construct of what linguistic communication and civilization are and do, and how they interrelate to construe and make significance.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

To Study Swot Analysis for Portfolio Management Services Offered by Sharekhan Ltd.

SUMMERY In today’s business environment many of stockbroker’s offers PMS (Portfolio Management Services). While observing the business environment of Stockbrokers the main business is how they offer low brokerage and better services to the clients. In this context an attempt is made to study the SWOT analysis of PMS (Portfolio Management Services) offered by SHREKHAN Ltd. Which highlights what are the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of PMS (Portfolio Management Services) offered by SHREKHAN Ltd. as compare to other competitors offered this scheme. Also take the interview of 100 clients and observe what the expectations about the PMS (Portfolio Management Services) are offered by SHREKHAN Ltd TABLE OF CONTENTS ? Acknowledgments †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Abbreviations †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ? An Executive Summary †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ? Industry Profile†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Company Profile†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ? Market share of Share khan†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Introduction to project†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Hypothesis of the Project †¦Ã¢â ‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Objectives Project†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Limitations of the Project†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Research Methodology †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Empirical Analysis †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ? Conclusion †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Bibliography†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Abbreviation AMC:Annual Maintenance charges. BSE:Bombay Stock Exchange. DP:Depository participant. IPO:Initial Public Offer. MCX:Multi Commodity Exchange. MT:Management Thesis. NAV:Net Asset Value. NCDEX:National Commodity and derivatives Exchange. NCFM:National Stock Exchange Certification In Financial  services. NFO:New Fund Offer. NSE:National Stock Exchange. PMS:Portfolio Management Services. SEBI:Security Exchange Board of India. Industry Profile By 1830's business on corporate stocks and shares in Bank and Cotton presses took place in Bombay, there were only half a dozen brokers recognized by banks and merchants during 1840 and 1850. In 1860-61 the number of brokers increased to about 200 to 250. In 1895, the Stock Exchange acquired a premise in the same street and it was inaugurated in 1899. Thus, the Stock Exchange at Bombay was combining. Trading Pattern of the Indian Stock Market Trading in Indian stock exchanges is limited to listed securities of public limited companies. They are broadly divided into two categories, namely, †¢ Specified securities (forward list) †¢ Non-specified securities (cash list). A member broker in an Indian stock exchange can act as an agent, buy and sell securities for his clients on a commission basis. National Stock Exchange (NSE) The National Stock Exchange was incorporated in 1992 by Industrial Development Bank of India, ICICI, all Insurance Corporations, selected commercial banks and others. Trading at NSE can be classified under two broad categories: (a) Wholesale debt market and (b) Capital market. Wholesale debt market operations are similar to money market operations – institutions and corporate bodies enter into high value transactions in financial instruments such as government securities, treasury bills, public sector unit bonds, commercial paper, certificate of deposit, etc. There are two kinds of players in NSE: 1. Trading members and 2. Participants. Recognized members of NSE are called trading members who trade on behalf of themselves and their clients. Participants include trading members and large players like banks who take direct settlement responsibility. India's oldest and first stock exchange is Bombay Stock Exchange which is established in 1875. More than 6,000 stocks listed in BSE. Totally there are 22 stock exchanges in India. They are located in Ahmadabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Chennai, Delhi etc. There is also a National Stock Exchange (NSE) which is located in Mumbai. There is also an Over the Counter Exchange of India (OTCEI) which allows listing of small and medium sized companies. The regulatory agency which oversees the functioning of stock markets is the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), which is also located in Bombay Overview of Company Sharekhan is a firm, which is working under SSKI (S. S. Kantilal Ishwarlal Securities Ltd. ). SSKI was founded in 1922. SSKI is One of India’s Oldest Brokerage Houses Having Eight Decades of Experience into: ? Institutional Broking ? Investment Banking ? Retail Broking It is one of the Founding members of the Stock Exchange, Mumbai and Pioneer Institutional Broker. SSKI Entered into Retail Broking in 1985. Share khan is the Retail Broking Arm of the BIG 80 Years old organization i. e. of SSKI and â€Å"Sharekhan† is the Brand Name given to its Retail Business. SSKI carries out its Retail Broking Activities under â€Å"Sharekhan† Brand Name. Sharekhan Outlets act as Full Service Investment Solutions Provider, providing you wide range of services like – ? Equity & Derivatives Trading on NSE and BSE ? Online Trading ? Commodities Trading on MCX & NCDEX ? Portfolio Management Services ? Depository Services ? IPO Services ? Wide Range of Customized Research Products ? Uniform Service Standards Offerings of the Sharekhan: – Sharekhan offers both Offline and online trading account. But now a days it mostly concentrates on online trading account through which a customer can buy and sell shares in an instant from any part of the globe trough website. It does not take into account any type of physical restriction of going to the broker for carrying out a transaction or any type of settlement of payment. It facilitates the customer a speedy and hassle free transaction. Share khan’s product consists of a 4-in-1 concept, which integrates: †¢   D-mat Account †¢ Trading Account †¢ Bank Link †¢ Dial-N-Trade For doing a trading of shares everyone need D-mat A/C. In his D-mat A/C one can keep his shares. Then Sharekhan provides a Trading A/C  . Through this trading account, a Sharekhan customer can directly transfer his funds from his savings account i. e. from bank account to Sharekhan to his trading account without any paper work. He can buy and sell shares from the website and also view the market prices of the shares he trades on the terminal. Sharekhan. com allows trading at present only on NSE. BSE trading will be shortly available. To open an account a customer requires filling up a form consisting of 12 agreements, a passport size photograph, a residential proof, a photo id proof and a cheque drawn of respective amount in favor of S. S. Kantilal Ishwarlal Securities Pvt. Ltd. & From 22 March, 2007  cheque is drawn in favor of Sharekhan Ltd. itself. After opening an account with Sharekhan, a customer will be given User id, Membership password and trading password, which will enable him to access his account and trade. Products of â€Å"SHAREKHAN†: – Sharekhan offers 2 types of products according to the volume-based requirements of the investors that are as follows:  Ã‚   CLASSIC ACCOUNT: †¢ This account allows the client to trade through the website and is suitable for the retail investors. Here maximum scripts that can be shown on the terminal are only 25. Also the technical charts are not available. †¢ It’s a JAVA BASED APPLET, which allows trading only through website and see latest prices of the scripts of your choice which is attached below. †¢ This account also allows trading in Derivatives. †¢ The lifetime registration charge for this account is Rs. 750 and there is no constraint of minimum turnover. SPEED TRADE ACCOUNT: – o This is ideal for active traders who transact frequently during day’s trading session to capitalize on intra-day price movements. Speed trade is Internet-based application based software, which is available on a CD, which provides everything a trader needs on one screen, thereby, reducing the time required to execute a trade. o Speed trade offers a tick-by-tick update on stock price movements with market depth and intra-day chart and lets the client do his own stock/technical analysis. o While the Lifetime charge for this account is Rs. 1000 /- with a minimum brokerage of Rs. 1500 /- to be generated each quarterly. OFF LINE SERVICES- ? In this Dmats A/C is open in Rs 350/- ? In this trader has to come in office for trading. Bank Connection: – Sharekhan has affiliation with 8 banks, which allows its customers to enjoy the facility of instant credit and transfer of funds from his savings bank account to his Sharekhan trading account. The affiliated banks are as follows:   ? HDFC BANK ? UTI BANK ? CITI BANK ? ICICI BANK ? OBC BANK ? UNION BANK ? INDUSLAND BANK ? IDBI BANK DIAL-N-TRADE: – It is also an exclusive service available to all Sharekhan customers for trading in shares via the telephone. On dialing the toll free number 1800-22-7500 the customer will be directed to a tele-broker who will buy or sell shares for him. After Hour Orders: – Sharekhan customers also enjoy the facility of placing orders even after the trading hours, and the orders are executed as soon as the market opens. Brokerage:- †¢ It is one of the important things, which are observed by the customer while opening a D-mat A/C. †¢ For Intraday Transactions they charge 0. 05 % on each leg Transaction. †¢ For Delivery Transactions they charge 0. 50 % on each leg Transaction. & †¢ For Derivatives Transactions they charge 0. 05 % on each leg Transaction. Trade in Commodity: – Sharekhan also trade in commodities like Bullion: Gold / Silver and Agricultural commodities through Sharekhan Commodity Pvt. Ltd. which are a wholly owned subsidiary of its parent SSKI. Research Team of Sharekhan: – Research and in-depth knowledge of markets provide better than speculations or reacting to rumors. Research team provides knowledge to their customers about market condition. †¢ In morning they provide â€Å"Eagle Eye† which tells about how the market will be in whole day. †¢ In afternoon they provide â€Å"High Noon† which tells that up to that time how was the market and what about the remaining time what will be the condition of the market. †¢ After the market they analyze the market summery of the whole day and give idea about next day market. Mobile-N-Trade facility: – Now Sharekhan is providing the facility that their customers can do trading with the help of their mobile handset. For that purpose they have to pay some extra charge to activate that facility. Importance of the research to the Organization: – 1) The organization get’s the competitive information about the pricing strategy of their competitor’s. 2) Through that they can establish their new pricing strategy to gain competitive advantage. 3) They came to know the effects of using the pricing strategy in the market. Location of company: SHAREKHAN Limited Cross Land, 1204/22, J M Road, Opposite Shambhaji Park, Shivajinagar, Pune, 411005 Phone No. :  020 25520002 Way to Share Khan (JM Road, Pune) Products of Sharekhan:- 1) Stock broking (NSE,BSE) 2) F & O broking (Future and option) 3) PMS (Portfolio Management Services) 4) Commodity trading 5) Insurance 6) Mutual fund 7) Pan card 8) IPO (Initial public offer) |Sharekhan Services | |Sharekhan, one of India's leading brokerage houses, is the retail arm of  SSKI. With over 510 share shops in 170 cities, and India's premier online trading | |portal www. sharekhan. com, our customers enjoy multi-channel access to the stock markets. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Introduction The project assigned is â€Å"TO Study SWOT Analysis For Portfolio Management Services Offered By SHAREKHAN Ltd. In JM Road, Pune†. The purpose of project is to understand Portfolio Management Services, its function, terms involved in and types of Portfolio Management Services. And also study competitors PMS Services in this way that to help the company in its day-to-day work. I worked with the company as a management trainee in SHAREKHAN ltd. Hypothesis 1. People those have large excess money interested in investing in PMS. 2. Retail investors are also now take interest in this scheme. 3. PMS scheme does not have more impact on sales revenue of SHAREKHAN. OBJECTIVE ? To study Portfolio Management Services Offered By SHAREKHAN Ltd. To understand Portfolio Management Services and its importance. ? To study various types of Portfolio Management Services ? To know about the Portfolio Management Services Offered by competitors of SHAREKHAN Ltd ? To understand and know various term s used in and process used in Portfolio Management Services in market. ? Make the SWOT analysis of Portfolio Management Services offered by SHAREKHAN Ltd. LIMITATIONS While completing this project following limitations are occurred: ? Graphical Constraint: – ? Wrong Mind Set about Share Market: – ? Lack of awareness: – ? Lack of Money: – Methodology This project is Descriptive type of the project. In this project I considered only the part of pricing strategy of the organization, and I also studied the topic of my Management Thesis from angle of 360 degree. This project comes under the Formal Research in which objectives are clearly defined and where researcher gathers whole information about all aspects of the project. There is a formal procedure to conduct research; I followed following steps of methodology to conduct the research, Identifying & Defining Problem Planning the Research Design Selecting a Research Method Selecting a Sampling Procedure Data Collection Evaluating the Data Preparing the Research Report Sources of the Information: – While collecting the data for project two types of Sources are used. 1. Primary sources : – In this, data is collected directly from respondents using questionnaire, direct observation & interview techniques. So for this purpose I visited 150 people in the JM Road, Pune. I interviewed them and asked them various questions related to my project and try to find out the actual result 2. Secondary sources: – In this type of data collection I used the information which is already collected by some other person or in printed form before I collected. Sources of secondary data include websites, books, Internet, Journals and also the pamphlets, and the broachers made by the company for their advertisement, etc. I used above methodology & data sources for my project by following steps What is PMS (Portfolio Management Services)? Meaning of PMS The word portfolio means a set or group or combination of securities held by and investor. And the word management means to conduct or manage in a proper way. Thus it means managing of share in a proper way expecting the risk and return. Portfolio Management is the process of selecting a bundle of securities that will provide the investing organization a maximum yield for a given level of risk or alternatively ensure minimum risk for a given level of return. A portfolio is defined a s the composite set of ownership rights to financial assets in which the investor wishes to invest. Portfolios are, thus, composed of securities. It means manages your money by fund manager. It just like Invest your money in PMS, sit back and do nothing. † Advantages of investing in PMS V/s Mutual Fund †¢ You have greater control over the asset allocation, whereas it is automatic in a mutual fund. †¢ The portfolio can be customized to suit your risk-return profile †¢ The portfolio man ager has relatively greater flexibility to move in and out of cash as and when required depending on the market view. †¢ Typically, charges are lower and more transparent in PMS vis a vis a Mutual Fund †¢ Holdings not impacted by entry / exit of the investors. How Sharekhan Manages Portfolio? Sharekhan portfolio Management Services ? Protech ? Proprime ? Proarbitrage [pic] A Trading based portfolio management scheme :- Sharekhan introduces a PMS Protech for- a client with higher risk profile using the tenents of Technical Analysis. Product Offerings 1. Nifty Thrifty 2. Beta Portfolio 1. Nifty Thrifty:- Nifty futures are bought and sold on the basis of an automated trading system that generates calls to go long / short. The exposure never exceeds value of portfolio i. e. there is no leveraging; but being short in Nifty allows you to earn even in falling markets and there by generates linear returns. Features of Nifty thrifty: o Nifty futures are bought and sold on the basis of an automated trading system that generates calls to go long / short. The exposure will never exceeds the value of the portfolio i. e. no leveraging; but will allow to be short in Nifty in falling market therefore allowing the client to earn irrespective of the market direction. o The balance money will be invested in Liquid Funds o Money management rules will be in place to see th at the capital is not eroded. 2. Beta Portfolio:- Stocks in long term technical up trends are identified at various inflection points in their trading cycles. 80% of the portfolio is traded in delivery of such stocks. 20% is used in creating and options book i. e. buying calls/puts of the index / stocks to increase the portfolio beta and hedge against pitfalls. Features of Beta Portfolio: Stocks in long term technical up trends are identified at various inflection points in their trading cycles o 80% of the portfolio is traded in delivery of such stocks. o 20% is used in creating and options book i. e. buying calls/puts of the index / stocks to increase the portfolio beta and hedge against pitfalls. o The use of timing for delivery and options for a higher beta will attempt to offer a superior rate of returns by taking a risk only 20% of the capital. o Money management rules will be in place to see that the capital is not eroded. o Portfolio rebalancing may be conducted between the cash and options segments based on the profitability of each segment. Product characteristics: Using swing/momentum based index trading systems with stop/reverse trend following. ? Investor get the best of worlds by: ? Having positions in cash and options ? Delivery positions enable profit maximization, while options position offered high beta short term profit in the same portfolio. ? Low impact cost. Product details: †¢ Minimum investment Rs. 5 Lakh †¢ Lock in for 3 months †¢ Fortnightly reporting of Portfolio Net Worth †¢ Monthly reporting of Portfolio Holdings/Transactions †¢ 20% profit sharing fees on booked profits quarterly basis †¢ 5% discount on profit sharing fees [to 15%] for investment of 1 crore OR lock in of 1 year. †¢ 0% AMC fees Brokerage 0. 05% for derivatives and 0. 30% for delivery. Nifty futures will be bought and sold on the basis of an automated trading system that will generate calls to go long/short. The system has been test ed over the last 20 years of data  and  performance has been very good [details or returns v/s risk are available  for interested investors]. The portfolio's exposure will never exceed the value of the portfolio, i. e. there shall be no leveraging. But the strategy will allow us to go short/hedge on Nifty in falling markets, thereby yielding returns irrespective of the market direction. The portfolio will either be long or short at all point time. Nifty Thrifty: | |Nifty futures are bought and sold on the basis of an automated trading system that generates calls to go long/short. The | |exposure never exceeds value of portfolio i. e. there is no leveraging; but being short in Nifty allows you to earn even in | |falling markets and there by generateslinear | Product offerings: 1. The Aggressive Scheme: Ideal for investors looking at higher returns with high risk appetite. This portfolio consists of high growth stocks fulfilling any of the following conditions: ? Expected growt h in profitability Turn around and corporate restructuring enabling value unlocking ? Relatively low valuation ? Mid to small cap companies 2. The Balanced Scheme: Ideal for investors looking at steady returns with low risk appetite. This portfolio consist of blend of quality blue chip and growth stocks ensuring a balance portfolio with relatively medium risk profile. Product approach: Investments are based on 3 tenets: I. Consistent, steady and sustainable returns II. Margin of safety III. Low volatility Product characteristics: ? Bottom up stock selection ? In-depth, independent fundamental research ? High quality companies with sustainable competitive advantage ? Disciplined valuation approach applying multiple valuation measures ? Medium to long term vision, resulting in low portfolio turnover Product details: ? Minimum investment: Rs. 5 lakh ? Lock in: 3 months ? Reporting: Online access to portfolio holdings, monthly reporting of portfolio holdings/transactions ? Charges: 2. 5% per annum AMC fees charged every quarter, 0. 5% brokerage, 20% profit sharing after 15% hurdle is crossed- chargeable at the end of the fiscal year. Product offerings: Cash-future Arbitrage: it spots risk free opportunities that yield greater returns than conventional risk free products. On spotting the opportunity, the stock is bought and future is sold to lock in the spread. Position is liquidated if the spread things before time or on expiry, whichever comes earlier. In this manner, the scheme moves from one opportunity to another. Product approach: There is an inherent opportunity in the spread that lies between cash and futures. When the spread is high stocks are bought; at the same time futures are sold to lock in the difference which is then bound to be zero at expiry. Product characteristics: Risk Free: On the whole, it is risk-free and can be compared to RBI bonds and GILT funds. High Returns: As compared to other zero risk products, it offers roughly an 8% post tax returns. Product details: ? Minimum Investment: Rs. 5 lakh ? Lock in: 3 months Reporting: fortnightly for portfolio net worth, monthly for portfolio holdings/Transactions ? Charges: 0. 035% brokerage for cash,0. 075% for delivery SWOT ANALYSIS Of PMS (Portfolio Management Services) offered by SHAREKHAN Ltd. Strengths In Sharekhan’s PMS (Portfolio Management Services) It has a pr oduct like NIFTY THRIFTY. It is the big strength for Sharekhan, because Sharekhan is only the license holder of NIFTY THRIFTY. Generally investors give more preference to this product because it works on the TECHNICAL basis and gives maximum returns is just about 40%. It is the maximum returns that no other product gives this much of returns to investors. The other product i. e. BETA Portfolio which works on Fundamental level. In this product 80% of the portfolio is trade in the Delivery basis and the remaining 20% is trade in Option basis i. e. buying calls/puts. so investors gets fixed returns. So the product ProTech is very big strength of the Sharekhan Ltd. Weaknesses Sharekhan’s other products ProPrime and ProArbitrage does gives as much business as ProTech. In this two products risk is low and the returns are also steady or low. In this scheme money of investors invested in RBI Bonds and GILIT funds, in this way though as compare to other zero risk products, it offers roughly 8% post tax returns. So generally because of this investors are not prefere to invest their money in this scheme. Because of large investment in PMS (Portfolio Management Services) it is minimum 5 lakh Investors does not take interest in such scheme. Sharekhan does not have the product of small investment, under 5 lakh that the retail investors also take interest in PMS (Portfolio Management Services). Opportunities As per mention above only Sharekhan has the license to operate ProTech which includes NIFTY THRIFTY and BETA portfolio so investors does not have any other option for investing there money if they want to invest in ProtTch. So this is proved as a very big opportunity for Sharekhan to capture the market and to get the customer as far as ProTech is concern. As per the studies the retail investors are taking interest in investing in PMS. Because in PMS the portfolio is managed as a individual basis. In PMS services there is a fund Manager who manages our portfolio. So now retail investors are also take part in PMS services. So it will be opportunity for Sharekhan to increase their business and will take market lead. Threats In Pune Kotak and Motilal Oswal are the good competitors of Sharekhan. Because Kotak has a 12 years experience in PMS services , they have good products like Sharekhan . The second competitor is Pukhraj Securities because they provide the PMS scheme which has the minimum investment Rs 2, 00,000/- And Sharekhan has the products which has minimum investment Rs. , 00,000/-So Pukhraj also become a good competitor for Sharekhan. Second the entries of Reliance in stock broking will defiantly create a problem for Sharekhan. Market share of different stock broker for PMS in Pune [pic] The market share for PMS in Pune is captured by Kotak more than Sharekhan as well as other stock brokers. It is leading be cause Kotak provide this service from more than 12 years. Sharekhan started this scheme from 2003. In very short period it also captures market and highly competes with Kotak. And put back to the others. [pic] Because of higher investment requisition such as minimum investment is of Rs. 5,00,000/- in PMS so the no of investors are less than other products. [pic] After taking the 100 client’s interview the result is derived as out of 100 investors 35 are go for sharekhan to invest their money. The second on the rank is Kotak. So it is proved that the PMS scheme provided by sharekhan is more preferred by investors. Conclusion After the studies I have concluded that if company provides the better product as well as schemes not only high class or higher income group will invest but the middle income group is also take interest in investing their money in share market. Only because of one best product and scheme if company launches it can be a market leader for that and will captures the more share of market. BIBLIOGRAPHY Books: – Financial Management Textbook. ? Marketing management Textbook. ? Sip student’s Manual Book. Pamphlets Printed by Various Stock Broking Firms. Web Sites: – ? www. Sharekhan. com ? www. MoneyControl. com ? www. Kotak. com ? www. AnandRathi. com ? www. MotilalOswal. com ? www. ICICIDirect. com ———————– I understand objectives of my management thesis. I prepared questionnaire to collect primary data from customers. I used data collection techniques like questionnaire & interviews. I compiled collected data using excel sheet. I analyzed collected data using various tools & graphical way. I draw conclusion from collected data & make report on it. Pune

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Rockefeller

The Rockefeller Foundation is a knowledge-based global foundation with a commitment to enrich and sustain the lives and livelihoods of poor and excluded people throughout the world. In order to maximize its resources and leverage the Foundation's strengths, grantmaking is organized around four thematic lines of work: Creativity & Culture, Food Security, Health Equity and Working Communities. John Davison Rockefeller (July 8, 1839 - May 23, 1937) was the guiding force behind the creation and development of the Standard Oil Company, which grew to dominate the oil industry and became one of the first big trusts in the United States, Rockefeller also was one of the first major philanthropists in the U.S., establishing several important foundations and donating a total of $540 million to charitable purposes. In 1859, with $1,000 he had saved and another $1,000 borrowed from his father, Rockefeller formed a partnership in the commission business with another young man, Maurice B. Clark. In that same year the first oil well was drilled at Titusville in western Pennsylvania, giving rise to the petroleum industry. Cleveland soon became a major refining center of the booming new industry, and in 1863 Rockefeller and Clark entered the oil business as refiners. Together with a new partner, Samuel Andrews, who had some refining experience, they built and operated an oil refinery under the company name of Andrews, Clark & Co. The firm also continued in the commission business but in 1865 the partners, now five in number, disagreed about the management of their business affairs and decided to sell the refinery to whoever amongst them bid the highest. Rockefeller bought it for $72,500, sold out his other interests and, with Andrews, formed Rockefeller & Andrews. In 1870 he organized The Standard Oil Company along with his brother William, Andrews, Henry M. Flagler, S.V. Harkness, and others. It had a capital of $1 mi... Free Essays on Rockefeller Free Essays on Rockefeller The Rockefeller Foundation is a knowledge-based global foundation with a commitment to enrich and sustain the lives and livelihoods of poor and excluded people throughout the world. In order to maximize its resources and leverage the Foundation's strengths, grantmaking is organized around four thematic lines of work: Creativity & Culture, Food Security, Health Equity and Working Communities. John Davison Rockefeller (July 8, 1839 - May 23, 1937) was the guiding force behind the creation and development of the Standard Oil Company, which grew to dominate the oil industry and became one of the first big trusts in the United States, Rockefeller also was one of the first major philanthropists in the U.S., establishing several important foundations and donating a total of $540 million to charitable purposes. In 1859, with $1,000 he had saved and another $1,000 borrowed from his father, Rockefeller formed a partnership in the commission business with another young man, Maurice B. Clark. In that same year the first oil well was drilled at Titusville in western Pennsylvania, giving rise to the petroleum industry. Cleveland soon became a major refining center of the booming new industry, and in 1863 Rockefeller and Clark entered the oil business as refiners. Together with a new partner, Samuel Andrews, who had some refining experience, they built and operated an oil refinery under the company name of Andrews, Clark & Co. The firm also continued in the commission business but in 1865 the partners, now five in number, disagreed about the management of their business affairs and decided to sell the refinery to whoever amongst them bid the highest. Rockefeller bought it for $72,500, sold out his other interests and, with Andrews, formed Rockefeller & Andrews. In 1870 he organized The Standard Oil Company along with his brother William, Andrews, Henry M. Flagler, S.V. Harkness, and others. It had a capital of $1 mi...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Getting financing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Getting financing - Essay Example The inadequacy of working capital has prevented many companies from exploiting potential market opportunities that are available to them. This paper tends to explore the scope of raising finance for my business ‘JBR Watches’ located in Los Angeles. Obviously, it is difficult for an entrepreneur to meet all capital requirements for business expansion all by oneself. Hence, for opening a showroom in Los Angeles, I should seek various sources of financing. At this juncture, it is important to identify significant tactics that an entrepreneur can initiate. The most notable factor that denies a firm’s access to financial sources is its negative market stature. This bad situation can be changed if the company deals with large contracts because they offer comparatively higher profit. At the same time, majority contract terms insist that the supplier must provide 30 to 60 days for the client to pay his invoices (Burstnet). So as to meet these credit requirements of the cu stomers effectively and to earn more profit from large business contracts, it is advisable for the JBR Watches to try for venture capital. Venture capital is an option for small companies that possess innovative business plans but have no adequate operating finance (venture capital). Generally, venture capitalists would not be willing to invest their money in risky ventures; hence, the JBR must formulate effective business designs in order to convince the capital provider about the potentiality of its business. Even though, venture capital is offered for a short period of time, JBR can make returns within this period and repay the amount before the maturity of the stipulated period. Similarly, my company may seek assistance from angel investors. An angel investor maybe a wealthy individual or group of individuals who wish to invest in pre-venture capital companies with the objective of uplifting certain communities (Angel Investors). In the case of JBR, the management can highlight the growth requirement of employees’ community; and it may assist the firm to get financial assistance from angel investors. So as to find a potential angel investor, JBR can employ the internet tools like Google search engine. According to Carbajo (2011) bank is another potential financial source for every business. However, it is observed that the banks do not provide loans and other credit facilities to small companies unless the companies possess substantial assets and all other financial records. Although JBR Watches is a notable concern in the industry, its decreased growth rate would not satisfy the banks’ credit criteria. In the opinion of Yates, banks provide credit facilities to small companies also if the business owners personally guarantee the credit repayment. This type of fund raising is a very risky practice for small companies if the business does not realize anticipated profit and the owner is unable to repay the loan amount. Therefore, JBR must be ve ry careful while applying this tool. Use of credit card is another method that can effectively contribute to the working capital requirements of JBR Watches. Credit cards assist the card holders to make purchases or obtain cash advances and pay them later. Business owners must note that credits cards are very expensive source of funding even if it has reasonably low interest rates. As in the case of bank lines of credit, the business owner personally guarantees the debt repayment while employing this technique also. Therefore, this

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Profile of a Theorist (Edward T. Hall) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Profile of a Theorist (Edward T. Hall) - Essay Example olars, among them the famous Marshall McLuhan who came out with the mantra, â€Å" the medium is the message†, and with whom Hall had a long and fruitful correspondence. Hall is universally acknowledged to be the founding father of studies on intercultural communication, because it all started with his early work in the 1950s for the United States State Department in order to coach foreign service personnel survival skills in intercultural communication. He realized that a majority of the communication gaps between people from different cultures could be because of different perceptions they had about the same thing, based on their cultural background. Intercultural communication is usually defined as any direct communicative interaction between individuals or groups of individuals belonging to different cultures. In other words, the term denotes interpersonal communication between "strangers" on the micro-level of face-to-face interaction. In a wider sense, however, the term is also but less frequently used to refer to direct or indirect interactions or contacts between ethnic groups, nations or cultures, thus denoting culture contact and cultural exchange on the meso- or macro-level. ( Roth, Klaus, 1999, p.206 ) The formal beginnings of intercultural communication are usually traced to the 1959 publication of â€Å"The Silent Language† by Hall. In this book, he defined culture as a concept, and described its role in setting expectations during the process of communication. He contradicted the prevalent natural assumption that communication styles and core values can be universal for all cultures. Instead, he proposed that a majority of human communication is actually non-verbal, mostly subconscious, and is determined to a large extent by cultural and linguistic backgrounds. In this book, he came up with the theory that not only does peoples cultural background act as a medium of communication, it also forms a subconscious part of the communication method.His